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JamBerry Ltd - Management Development, Coaching and Health and Safety About JamBerry Ltd

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0800 840 2418

01424 576417


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Our People:

berry winter and james hammerton-fraserJamBerry uses a number of experts in their field to provide great training and consultancy.

Whether you are looking for training or coaching, or need help with your health and safety or business optimisation; we aim to work with you as one of your team, to help you to develop the best solution for your organisation.


We will give you straightforward advice and not try to offer you something you don't need. Why not give us a call now?

For more information about our people click here.

 Our Philosophy - SMILE!jamberry traiining and team building

Smiling is infectious. The more you smile the more others Smile back. Learning and development from JamBerry helps you to do your job better and feel better about yourself.

Now that is something to Smile about!

 Contact Us:

Call: 0800 840 2418
01424 576 417

Email: info@jamberry.co.uk

JamBerry Ltd
9 St Peter's Crescent
East Sussex
TN40 2EH

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jamberry leadership training

developing people

changing behaviour

growing businesses

Creating Transformational Leaders and Managers

Who are we?

From our beginnings as a small training company 10 or more years ago, in every organisation that we’ve been to, and every person that we have worked with, we've aimed to make a difference for the people working there.

Why would you work with us?

We are committed to finding innovative practical solutions to today’s learning challenges.

At JamBerry we work with business owners, leaders and managers to show them new ways to work with their teams, meet and engage with business challenges, and achieve greater business and personal success and a great work/life balance. We provide bespoke solutions to your training and development needs and challenges.

What can we do for you?

Learning is becoming increasingly self-directed. Not a bad thing as it means that individuals can choose what they need and what is not right for them. But in this age of self-directed and elearning, we believe there is still a need for the human factor in learning. The opportunity to learn in a safe environment and practice skills with others.

People retain learning best when they are actively engaged so we adopt an interactive style because we fully believe that learning should be based on doing as much as listening, watching or reading. We don't have set programmes but blend a mix of techniques including drama, simulations, games, mentoring and theory to achieve the best outcome for your team. We believe that it is important that we build on the existing structures in your business to make your development solutions relevant, realistic and practical, whilst giving you the skills to challenge, innovate and develop others. We understand the needs of modern business as well as the best methods of delivering effective training and consultancy. We will work with you to create a fun, enjoyable and above all effective approach to management development and problem solving.

See what our clients say

If you would like to find out more about how we can help you please talk to us on 0800 840 2418 or email info@jamberry.co.uk

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JamBerry Limited
Registered in England and Wales. Company Registration No. 3465081
Registered Office,
9 St Peter's Crescent, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex TN40 2EH

VAT Registration No. 689 2176 86

Tel:  0800 840 2418    E-mail: info@jamberry.co.uk  

© JamBerry Ltd, 2018. All Rights Reserved

Directors:  James Hammerton-Fraser and Berenice Winter.