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Find out more about:

Workplace Performance Coaching

Executive Coaching

Coaching for Women

Coaching for Confidence

Career Coaching

Stress Coaching

Work/Life Balance Coaching


Our People

JamBerry uses a number of experts in their field to provide great coaching and mentoring.


For more information see here.


Motivate - Coaching Skills Programme 



"They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself."

Andy Warhol

Great Coaching Books

Lots more books on our  book page or:


The Manager as Coach

Do you have a coaching culture in your organisation? Coaching is an important element in a manager's relationship with their staff. Increasingly managers are being asked to coach their staff. But how well equipped are they to do so?

Our Motivate Coaching Skills Programme involves a mixture of one-to-one coaching for the managers themselves, a two day training course to learn coaching techniques, ongoing support and back-up for as long as it is required.

The programme is designed to teach managers how to use coaching techniques in developing their staff. It can also be used to create a pool of internal coaches available for staff to use when they need to talk to someone outside their normal management hierarchy.

The role of the coach is to facilitate the learning and reflective processes. This in turn leads to the ability to deal with problems in new and more open ways. We can work with managers to help them understand the importance of coaching as part of the manager's role.

Workplace Performance Coaching

Workplace Performance Coaching concentrates on working with individuals within specific business contexts. These might include:

  • Executive Coaching - working with senior level managers to resolve issues such as change management
  • Management issues eg interpersonal skills or team building
  • Individuals who are not performing to an acceptable standard
  • Specialist knowledge eg marketing 
  • Business needs eg strategy 
  • Individuals who are looking to change roles or for promotion

How can a Coaching Programme help?

By developing coaching skills within the organisation you will be creating a rich source of talent that will enable your organisation to:

  • achieve more with fewer resources
  • increase personal effectiveness
  • develop leadership skills and performance
  • improve communication skills
  • deal effectively with change and transition

Using a coach can quickly improve an individuals ability to function well across a wide area of skills.

What does Coaching actually involve?

Not sure what this involves. Visit what is coaching and faqs to find out more.

Where can I find out more?

If you want to find out more about how your managers could use Coaching to help them and their teams either e-mail info@jamberry.co.uk , or call 0800 840 2418




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JamBerry Ltd, 9 St Peter's Crescent, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex TN40 2EH Tel:0800 840 2418
