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Health & Safety Solutions JamBerry Health and Safety
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Health and Safety Solutions

Enabling you to create and manage systems, procedures and documents tailored to your organisation's Health & Safety needs.

Weighty Business: Changing the Culture of Manual Handling

Manual Handling ebook

eBook now available. email james@jamberry.co.uk for more information

Understanding Stress at Work

Read our White Paper on Stress!

Understanding the Need for Organisations to Deal with the Issue of Stress - White Paper

Take our Stress Survey! Find out if you are under pressure!

Understand how to Manage Stress in Your Organisation

Find out more:
Call 0800 840 2418 or email

Manual Handling Workshops

Manual Handling or Kinetic Handling Techniques, as it is technically known, is a vital part of any company's Health and Safety practice.

This course is a practical introduction run by appropriately qualified trainers. It runs for two and a half hours.

Manual handling is a part of most employees work responsibilities. It is not just the obvious people - for example, shop-floor workers or maintenance staff, who need this training. Office staff lift boxes of paper, receptionists  lift packages delivered to your front desk, caterers lift pans and cooking equipment.

It is important to ensure that participants at each workshop are from the same group or trade. For example:- maintenance, office or warehouse staff.

This workshop covers...

lHazards and implications

  • Causes of problems

  • Health effects

  • Incidence rates (national)

  • Incidence rates (company)

  • Costs to the organisation

lBasic Kinetic Handling Techniques (KHT)

  • Explanation

  • Video

lApplication to company handling duties

  • Tasks typically requiring KHT

  • Examples of special lifting and handling techniques.

lRegulations outlined

  • Duties of employer

  • Duties on employee

lPractice, demonstrations

  • Using KHT in practice

Call us on 0800 840 2418 or e-mail us at info@jamberry.co.uk and ask us how we can help you.


health and safety consultancy

Corporate Manslaughter Act!

Cases are now going to court!

As of the 6th April 2008 organisations whose failure in health & safety lead to the death of an individual can face prosecution and unlimited fines. Talk to us today to find out you responsibilities.

Also see our Health & Safety for Directors.



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JamBerry Ltd, 9 St Peter's Crescent, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex TN40 2EH Tel: 0800 840 2418